It takes so many people and so much talent and time to make a convention a success.  Please express your gratitute by offering to serve at TACNA this year


This service opportunity is available to members who live in the Greater Toronto Area. We are looking for talented leaders to assume the front-line responsibilities to ensure our event is a spiritual and financial success. Candidates must submit their service resumes to be considered for a position on the convention committee.
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TACNA will need a lot of speakers to complete our program. We review our registration list to find most of our speakers. We require speakers at a topic meeting to have at least 3 years clean and the main speakers must have at least 10 years clean. Contact us if you are interested in being considered.
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Every recovery meeting needs a chairperson. If you have at least 3 years clean and would like to be considered to chair one of the meetings, please take a couple of minutes and let us know.
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It takes so many people to host a convention of this size. We hope you will express your gratitude for this program with some of your time and talent by letting us know you are available and willing to be a part of the service required to have a successful convention.
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